
时间:2021年02月08日 来源:

型号: IQ, IQM, IQT, AQ。IQ系列产品名扬四海的特性,如Rotork独有的双密封系统和"非侵入式"红外设定功能等众多的保护功能使得该产品成为可靠性的代名词,IQ执行机构提供了一系列强大无比的***特性,IQT角形程电动执行器具有速度调控功能同时保留了IQ特性及关键性优点,通过把在AQ系列中使用了20多年的电机控制技术与IQ"执行器集成芯片"相结合,使得在不影响输出力矩的情况下调整IQT的输出速度。IQT系列提供中小型角行程阀门力矩大小达2000Nm的直接操作。IQM/IQTM:适用于每小时启动1200次/小时的阀门操作。IQTF(全转式)执行器适用于需要从90°以上到120°的非推力式操作应用。IQS单相:电容器启动/运行鼠笼式感应电动机。60次/小时IQDC:永久磁铁,低惯性设计。IQD直流:永久磁铁,直流电机包括恒温器防护装置。
上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQ35 。湖北销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂家直供

Watertight, Dust tight and Explosionproof

The IQ enclosure is rated IP68 (submersible for 7 meters for 72 hours), NEMA 4/4X/6. It is completely watertight, dust tight and does not "breathe". Explosionproof certified actuators share the same enclosure. Customised paint finishes and fire protection coatings available.The IQ enclosure is rated IP68 (submersible for 7 meters for 72 hours), NEMA 4/4X/6. It is completely watertight, dust tight and does not "breathe". Explosionproof certified actuators share the same enclosure. Customised paint finishes and fire protection coatings available. 湖北销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂家直供上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQTF1000 。

Rotork is the home of the flagship IQ intelligent electric actuator range. The IQ range features legendary innovations including Rotork's unique double-sealed enclosure, ‘non-intrusive' infrared commissioning, datalogging and predictive maintenance capabilities. More recent innovations include the advanced display, Bluetooth® communications interface and absolute encoder.

产品名称:TKJQ-600 电动执行机构 IQ12
TKJQ-250 电动执行机构


上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQTF50 。

The 3rd Generation IQ Intelligent Actuator
For 60 years Rotork has used innovation for designing reliable, flexible and robust valve actuators and control systems. Continuing our ethos of evolving design, the next generation IQ multi-turn and IQT part-turn actuators are now available. For 60 years Rotork has used innovation for designing reliable, flexible and robust valve actuators and control systems. Continuing our ethos of evolving design, the next generation IQ multi-turn and IQT part-turn actuators are now available.上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQD25 。湖北销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂家直供

上海欧仪实业有限公司提供英国ROTORK电动执行器IQ3系列-IQS20 。湖北销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂家直供

The IQ functionality and reliability is available for valves of virtually every size and description, including multi-turn (rotary), quarter-turn, isolating and modulating, with watertight and hazardous area approvals to all internationally recognised standards.

Electric actuator ranges also include the AWT for simplified control duties, ROM, ROMpak and Q direct drive actuators for small quarter-turn valves. 湖北销售英国ROTORK电动执行器厂家直供

上海欧仪实业有限公司是一家派沃尔阀门(T&P控制阀、调节阀)  美国博雷(BRAY控制阀)    丹佛斯(DANFOSS控制阀、仪表)      德国(GEMU控制阀)  韩国工控(YT气动产品、HQ电动产品)  德国(EMG电动产品)  美国(ASCO电磁阀)                日本(SMC过滤器、电磁阀)的公司,致力于发展为创新务实、诚实可信的企业。公司自创立以来,投身于蝶阀,球阀,电动阀,调节阀,是机械及行业设备的主力军。上海欧仪致力于把技术上的创新展现成对用户产品上的贴心,为用户带来良好体验。上海欧仪始终关注自身,在风云变化的时代,对自身的建设毫不懈怠,高度的专注与执着使上海欧仪在行业的从容而自信。

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