
时间:2020年12月05日 来源:

由于蜱虫主要栖息在草地、树林中,为预防蜱虫叮咬:尽量避免在草地、树林等环境长时间坐卧;若需要进入此类地区,尽量穿长袖衣服,扎紧裤腿;穿浅色衣服可便于查找有无蜱虫爬上;针织衣物表面尽量光滑,这样蜱虫不易粘附;每天的外出活动结束后,仔细检查身体和衣物,看是否有蜱虫叮入或爬上。与宠物嬉戏玩耍后,记得用佳姆巴手部消毒液清洁双手。洗手时,将一元硬币面积大小的佳姆巴量按压至左掌心,先将右手指尖浸至佳姆巴手部消毒液中,之后揉搓右掌心,对右手手心、手背杀菌消毒,再按以上步骤消毒左手。自然干燥,无需冲洗,简单舒适,易于操作。 江苏无色无味医用手部消毒液






①将一元硬币面积大小的佳姆巴手部消毒液量按压至左掌心,将右手指尖并拢、浸至左手掌心的佳姆巴手部消毒液中。②弯曲右手手指使关节在左手掌心旋转揉搓。 ③双手掌心相对,手指并拢,相互揉搓。 ④掌心相对,双手交叉,指缝相互揉搓。左手心对右手背沿指缝相互揉搓,交换进行。 ⑤右手握住左手大拇指旋转揉搓。 ⑥按以上步骤消毒左手。 宁波无色无味医用手部消毒液品牌

佳姆巴手部消毒液: 主要成分:次氯酸 机理特点:模拟生命体免疫系统杀菌机理,直接穿透细菌壁膜,杀灭致病菌并清 除其残留蛋白;快速杀灭细菌、病菌等有害致病菌,乃至顽固性芽孢菌等多种有害致病菌,真正做到无残留、无腐蚀、免漂洗。更加难能可贵的是,佳姆巴手部消毒液于眼睛、手部及皮肤黏膜等均无刺激、无过敏等异常反应,使用后无需水洗、可保持皮肤的水分,减少了频繁洗手造成的皮肤伤害,是一种经口无毒、高度安全、强力有效、杀菌彻底的“革命性”消毒产品。 杀菌效果:样品原液作用30s,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的杀灭率大于99.999%。样品原液作用1min,对白色念 珠 菌的杀灭率大于99.99%。(国内专业机构检测,并编入安评说明书内)。

Six-step hand-washing method of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液) ( Medical grade/ Wash-free/ Alcohol-free hypochlorous acid/ Anti-virus) :1. Press the amount of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液) with the area of at least one Yuan coin to teh left palm, close the fingertips of the right hand, and dip into the JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use (佳姆巴手部消毒液) with the left palm. 2. Bend the right hand finger to make the joint rotate and rub in the center of the left palm. 3. Hands palm to palm, fingers together, rub each other. 4. Two palms touch each other, fingers cross, rubbing fingers together. Rub the left palm to the right back of the hand along the fingers joint, and then exchange. 5. The rignt hand holds the thumb of the left hand to rotate and rub. 6. Disinfect the left hand according to the step 1-5 above.

Shanghai Rijie Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. established in 2012 and located in Shanghai, is a Sino-Japanese joint venture company focusing on the development and production of disinfection products and disinfection equipment in the field of disinfection technology. Our advantages include but not limited to owning a robust R&D team, advanced automatic production lines, rich global logistic as well as multilingua linternational trading experience. We has long term commitment to manufacture JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液).扬州医用手术消毒液多少钱


Germicidal Categories of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use (佳姆巴手部消毒液) : Virus, pathogenic bacteria in intestinal tract, pyogenic cocci and pathogenic yeasts. Uses of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use (佳姆巴手部消毒液): 1. Hand disinfection  Spread enough of this product to completely cover or immerse the part of hands to be disinfected, taking effective for 1 minute. 2. Surgical hand disinfection: After surgical hand washing, evenly spread a proper amount of this product to hands, forearms and 1/3 skin undef the upper arms, taking effective for 3 minutes.


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