
时间:2023年03月11日 来源:


appreciate (ML appretiatus, pp of appretiare: to value, esteem, fr. LL, pp of appretiare: to appraise, put a price on, fr. L ad- + pretium: price, value) v. be fully aware of; realize fully, recognize with gratitude; be grateful for, hold dear, evaluate highly / approve warmly often with expressions / tokens of liking; raise the value of, increase the market price of 重视、赏识、欣赏、对...表示感激 充分意识到、领会、体会、觉察 鉴别、提升...的价格、涨价、增值 英语培训困难吗,有什么好方法?吉林专八英语单词培训


Ø primary (LL primarius: basic, primary, of the first rank, fr. L, principal, fr. primus: first + -arius: -ary) adj. of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary 初的、原始的、初等教育的、小学的、初级的、初等的、首要的、主要的、基本的、原色的、手的 n. a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen 初选、候选人初选会  

Ø primarily (LL primarius: basic, primary, fr. L, principal, fr. primus: first + -arius: -ary + -ly) adv. for the most part, of primary import 首要地、主要地、根本上、起初   安徽大学英语单词课程GRE英语单词记忆方法。


Ø semiprecious (semi- + precious, ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones, (of a gemstone) of less commercial value than those called precious: “such semiprecious stones as the amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline”, specifically less than 8 in hardness (宝石)次贵重的、半宝石的

praiseworthy adj. worthy of high praise, applaudable, commendable, laudable, worthy  值得赞扬的、可嘉的


primate (ME primat, fr. OF, fr. ML primat-, primas: archbishop, fr. LL, archbishop, head, leader, fr. L, one of the first, leader, fr. primus: first) n. any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet, a senior clergyman and dignitary, archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate 首席主教、灵长目动物

primer n. an introductory textbook 识字课本、初级读本、入门书、初学者读本; any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant, fuse 起动注油器; the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface, primer coat, priming coat 底层涂料、底漆 英语单词怎么学习的更快?


depreciate (LL depretiare, often spelled depreciare in later MSS, fr. de-: down + pretium: price) v. lessen in price / estimated value, lower the worth of; undervalue, devaluate, belittle, disparage, decry 降低...的价格、价值、使货币贬值、贬低、轻视

precious (ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. of high worth or cost, held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature, showing fond affection for, obviously contrived to charm 贵重的、珍贵的、宝贵的 受到珍爱的、心爱的 过分讲究的 adv. extremely, very 极其、非常 词根是一个单词的根本部分,是根儿,是单词的重点,表示一个单词的基本意义。河北托福英语单词学习法



Ø prima facie (L primus: first + faciēs: face) adv. at first view / sight, on the first appearance初看时、据初次印象  adj. as it seems at first sight, based on immediate impression, apparent: prima facie plausibility; generally applicable but admitting of suspension in a given case 建立在印象基础上的、貌似真实的  

Ø prima donna (It, lit., first lady) n. a vain and temperamental person爱慕虚荣的人、自负的人, a distinguished female operatic singer, a female operatic star, diva,  the leading or a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, a person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team (歌剧中的)女主角演员、(音乐会的)首席女歌手: one who is impatient of restraint or criticism 吉林专八英语单词培训

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