praise (ME preisen, praisen, fr. MF preisier: to prize, value, praise, fr. LL pretiare (often spelled preciare in later MSS): to value, prize, fr. L pretium: price, value; n., ME preyse, fr. preisen, praisen, v.) n. an expression of approval and commendation, extolment, kudos, congrarulations, offering words of homage as an act of worship 赞扬、称赞、赞美、崇拜 v. express approval of 赞扬、表扬、颂扬
Ø重新估价、重新评价reappraisal n. a new appraisal or evaluation,reassessment,revaluation,review重新估价、重新评价 英语单词怎么去记忆更加简单?江西成人英语单词学习法
appreciative (F appréciation, fr. MF apreciation, prob. fr. aprecier: to appraise + -ation; LL appretiation-, appretiatio: valuation, fr. appretiatus, pp of appretiare: to appraise, put a price on, value, esteem, fr. L ad- + pretium: price, value + -ive) adj. having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion, feeling or expressive of gratitude, grateful, thankful 有欣赏力的、能确认价值的、赞赏的、感激的
accelerated depreciation n. depreciation of assets at a higher rate than that normally assigned to cover use and exhaustion 加速折旧 吉林四六级英语单词培训上海忻佳文化传播有限公司是一家专门从事英语单词研究的公司。
principal (ME, fr. OF, fr. L principalis: chief, first, principal, fr. princip-, princeps: first person, chief, chief man, prince, lit., who takes the first part, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, ceps, fr. capere: to take) adj. most important 重要的、首要的、主要的、本金的、母金的、可生息的财产的、基金的 n. the educator who has executive authority for a school, an actor who plays a principal role; (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement 负责人、起主要作用的人、中小学校长、本金、母金、可生息资产、委托人、本人、被代理人、主犯、首犯
primeval (L primaevus: of the first period of life, fr. primus: first + aevum: age + E -al) adj. having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state, aboriginal, primaeval, primal, primordial 原始的、早期的、远古的
Ø primo (It, fr. primo: first, fr. L primus: first) adv. in the first place, first 首先、 n. the first or leading part (as in a duet or trio) 声部
primogenial (modif. (influenced by LL primogenitalis: primogenital) of L primigenius: primogenial, fr. primus: first + -genius, fr. gignere: to beget + E -al) n. primogenitary, primigenial, original, primitive 原始型的 托福英语单词记忆方法。
primacy (ME primacie, fr. MF, fr. ML primatia, fr. L primat-, primas: one of the first, leader + -ia: -y) n. the state of being first in importance (天主教)教皇的职责、地位、权力
primal (ML primalis, fr. L primus: first + -alis -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, of / relating to the first period or state, original, primitive, aboriginal, primaeval, primeval, primordial; cardinal, central, fundamental, principal 初的、原始的、主要的、首要的、根本的 怎么学习SAT英语单词?辽宁成人英语单词学习
civil (ME, fr. MF, fr. L civilis: relating to a citizen, courteous, fr. civis: citizen) adj. of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state, applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military, not rude, marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others, (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life 公民的、的/国家的/社会的、国内的、公民间的、国民间的、非的、平民的、非宗教的、世俗的、文明的、有教养的、彬彬有礼的、民事的、民用的、民法的 江西成人英语单词学习法
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