
时间:2023年03月12日 来源:


prime (ME, fr. OE prīm, fr. L prima hora: first hour, fr. prima, fem. of primus: first + hora: hour; ME, fr. ME, fem. of prin: prime, fr. L primus: first; akin to L prior: former, prior) adj. used of the first or originating agent, first, first in rank or degree, primier, first, of superior grade, choice, quality, superior, being at the best stage of development, meridian, mature; of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers 首要的、主要的、初的、原始的、青春的、血气方刚的、精力旺盛的 n. the period of greatest prosperity or productivity, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, heyday, peak,  the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest, prime of life; a number that has no factor but itself and 1, prime quantity; the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.  初、初期、青春、壮年、全盛时期 v. cover with a primer, apply a primer to 涂底漆、打底, insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing, fill with priming liquid  加注燃料发动 英语单词的构词规律是有规可寻的,绝大多数英语单词都可以划分为词根、和词缀(含前缀和后缀)。河北英语单词培训机构


depreciatory (LL depretiator, often spelled depreciator in later MSS, fr. depretiatus, pp of depreciare, fr. de-: down + pretium: price + L -ory) adj. tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value, depreciative, deprecative, tending to diminish or disparage, depreciating, disparaging, belittling, deprecating, deprecatory, slighting 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的

preciosity (ME preciousite, preciosite: preciousness, fr. MF precieusité, preciosité, fr. L pretiositat-, pretiositas, fr. pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -itat-, -itas: -ity) n.  the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined, being fastidious or excessively refined (举止、谈吐)过分风雅、矫揉造作、贵重物品 贵州中学英语单词教材怎么学习SAT英语单词?


principal (ME, fr. OF, fr. L principalis: chief, first, principal, fr. princip-, princeps: first person, chief, chief man, prince, lit., who takes the first part, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, ceps, fr. capere: to take) adj. most important 重要的、首要的、主要的、本金的、母金的、可生息的财产的、基金的 n. the educator who has executive authority for a school, an actor who plays a principal role; (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement 负责人、起主要作用的人、中小学校长、本金、母金、可生息资产、委托人、本人、被代理人、主犯、首犯


Ø prima facie (L primus: first + faciēs: face) adv. at first view / sight, on the first appearance初看时、据初次印象  adj. as it seems at first sight, based on immediate impression, apparent: prima facie plausibility; generally applicable but admitting of suspension in a given case 建立在印象基础上的、貌似真实的  

Ø prima donna (It, lit., first lady) n. a vain and temperamental person爱慕虚荣的人、自负的人, a distinguished female operatic singer, a female operatic star, diva,  the leading or a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, a person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team (歌剧中的)女主角演员、(音乐会的)首席女歌手: one who is impatient of restraint or criticism 英语单词在哪里培训呢?


civilize (F civiliser, fr. civil, ME, fr. MF, fr. L civilis: civil, fr. civis: citizen + -iser: -ize) v. raise from a barbaric to a civilized state, teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment, cultivate, educate, school, train 使文明、使开化、教化、教导、熏陶、使文雅

Ø文明的、开化的、有教养的、有礼貌的、文雅的 英语单词怎么记忆更加简单?陕西GMAT英语单词网课



primrose (ME primerose, fr. MF, fr. OF, prob. fr. prime, fem. of prin: first, prime + rose, fr. L rosa) n.  any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads, primula 【植】报春花、欧洲樱草

Øprimula(NL,fr.ML,primrose,cowslip,【植】报春花、欧洲樱草仔细地/过分讲究地打扮 河北英语单词培训机构


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