civilize (F civiliser, fr. civil, ME, fr. MF, fr. L civilis: civil, fr. civis: citizen + -iser: -ize) v. raise from a barbaric to a civilized state, teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment, cultivate, educate, school, train 使文明、使开化、教化、教导、熏陶、使文雅
Ø文明的、开化的、有教养的、有礼貌的、文雅的 怎么学习SAT英语单词?辽宁四六级英语单词辅导
depreciatory (LL depretiator, often spelled depreciator in later MSS, fr. depretiatus, pp of depreciare, fr. de-: down + pretium: price + L -ory) adj. tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value, depreciative, deprecative, tending to diminish or disparage, depreciating, disparaging, belittling, deprecating, deprecatory, slighting 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的
preciosity (ME preciousite, preciosite: preciousness, fr. MF precieusité, preciosité, fr. L pretiositat-, pretiositas, fr. pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -itat-, -itas: -ity) n. the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined, being fastidious or excessively refined (举止、谈吐)过分风雅、矫揉造作、贵重物品 辽宁专八英语单词线下课程目前比较好的英语培训方法!
principle (ME, modif. of MF principe, fr. L principium: beginning, origin, basis (in pl. principia: first principles, fundamentals), fr. princip-, princeps: first, original, lit., taken as first, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, -ceps, fr. L capere: to take) n. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, rule, tenet, a basic truth or law or assumption, a rule or standard especially of good behavior, rule of personal conduct, precept, a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature), rationale 原则、主义、原理、基本信念、信条、行为准则、正直、道义
prayer (ME, preyere, prayere, fr. OF preiere, fr. ML precaria: written petition, supplication, prayer, obtained by prayer or given as a favor, fr. L, fem. of precarius: obtained by entreaty / prayer, fr. L precari: to ask for, ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer; n., ME preyere, prayere, fr. preyen, prayen: to pray + -ere: -er) n.
Ø reverent petition to a deity, earnest or urgent request, the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving) 祷告、祈祷、祈祷仪式、祷文、祷辞、祈望、祈求、祝愿、诉讼请求,诉状 n. someone who prays to God, supplicant 祷告人、祈祷人、祈望者、祈求者 公司为边远地区以及贫寒子弟等提供学习机会,每一百名学员提供两个培训名额。
prior (ME prior, priour, fr. OE prior & MF prior, priour, fr. ML prior, fr. LL, administrator, predecessor, fr. L, former, previous, superior; L, former, previous, first, superior, compar. of OL pri: before; akin to L priscus: ancient, pristinus: primitive, pristine, prae: before) adj. earlier in time, anterior, antecedent 在先的、居先的、在前的 n. the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot 小隐修院院长、副主持。 英语单词的词库是什么样的?内蒙古四六级英语单词网课
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