prior (ME prior, priour, fr. OE prior & MF prior, priour, fr. ML prior, fr. LL, administrator, predecessor, fr. L, former, previous, superior; L, former, previous, first, superior, compar. of OL pri: before; akin to L priscus: ancient, pristinus: primitive, pristine, prae: before) adj. earlier in time, anterior, antecedent 在先的、居先的、在前的 n. the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot 小隐修院院长、副主持。 SAT单词需要怎么记忆?福建中学英语单词网课
primitive (ME primitif, fr. L primitivus, fr. primitiae: first things, first fruits, fr. primitus: firstly, originally, fr. primus: first + -itus, adverb suffix + -ivus: -ive) adj. little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type, used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies 上古的、原始的、原生的
Ø primordial (ME, fr. LL primordialis: original, fr. L primordium: beginning, origin, fr. neut. of primordius: original, fr. primus: first + ordiri: to begin, begin to web + -alis: -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, aboriginal, existing at or from the beginning, first created or developed, earliest, primeval, primitive, crude, undeveloped, elementary, fundamental, primary 原始的、早存在的、原生的 江苏常考英语单词学习法英语单词怎么去记忆更加简单?
civility (ME civylite, fr. MF civilité, fr. L civilitat-, civilitas, fr. civilis: relating to a citizen, courteous, fr. civis: citizen + -itat-, -itas: -ity) n. (obs.) deference or allegiance to the social order befitting a citizen; (obs.) civil government or polity; solidarity of civil rights and obligations and civil justice in the civil order, the liberties western man has won for himself after centuries of struggle; the state of being civilized, civilization; (archaic) training in the humanities; civil conduct, especially bare observance of the forms of accepted social behavior or adequate perfunctory politeness; (obs.) decent behavior or treatment, propriety; an act or expression
conforming to conventional patterns of social behavior 礼貌、客气、谦恭、礼仪、客套、寒暄
precari: to ask for, ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer
Ø deprecate (L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v. seek to avert as by supplication, disapprove of, express strong disapproval of 对...表示不赞成、反对、; deplore, belittle 贬低、轻视
deprecatory (LL deprecatorius, fr. L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -orius: -ory) adj. tending to diminish or disparage, deprecating, depreciatory 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的, depreciating 表示不赞成的、不以为然的、反对的、贬低的 单词怎么去更好的学习?
depreciation (depreciate, LL depretiare, often spelled depreciare in later MSS, fr. de-: down + pretium: price + -ion) n. the act or process of depreciating or the state of being depreciated, loss of value: “the rapid depreciation of currency’, “made some bitter remarks in depreciation of his enemies”, a decrease in price or value, decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use, wear and tear, a communication that belittles somebody or something 减值、降价、跌价、贬值、贬低、轻视 单词的学习方法是有哪些?云南英语单词线下课程
除了技术的升级外,还有品质的升级、内容的升级,这是更为重要的行业升级,因为现在大的背景就是消费升级,家庭收入提升了,人们对于生活品质的追求也提高了。教育培训是其中重要的品质追求,所以很多细分品类都有面临升级。目前教育培训是一个重要的赛道,这个赛道的市场非常好,2017 年中国市场规模达到 383 亿元,2016 年底,中国教育培训在读学生达 43 万人,境内国际学校数量为 700 多所。教育培训在未来发展过程中,具有集团化的倾向,可能形成“出名单体校+大型教育集团”的行业格局。全球经济进入整体下行通道,复苏迹象并不明显,但经济在全球化背景下的相互渗透也不断深入;全球科技环境也是复杂的,随着互联网和移动互联网经济的发展,个体与企业的界限变得日益模糊,信息和数据的爆发让英语单词培训,英语单词培训,英语单词培训,英语单词培训变得更加复杂。在这种复杂环境中,行业产业出现了两个关键词,一个是跨界,另一个是协同。跨界是指很多来自不同领域的企业或者是个人进入到这个行业,协同则是指英语单词培训,英语单词培训,英语单词培训,英语单词培训应对复杂性所采取的必要措施。福建中学英语单词网课
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