Ø prima (It, fem of primo, fr. L primus: first) adj. indicating the most important performer or role, first, leading, starring, stellar, major 的、首要的 n. the first word of the next galley proof or page of copy marked on the corresponding page or galley; the word at which reading is to be resumed after an interruption, compare markoff 英语单词怎么学习的更快?陕西英语单词教材
prior (ME prior, priour, fr. OE prior & MF prior, priour, fr. ML prior, fr. LL, administrator, predecessor, fr. L, former, previous, superior; L, former, previous, first, superior, compar. of OL pri: before; akin to L priscus: ancient, pristinus: primitive, pristine, prae: before) adj. earlier in time, anterior, antecedent 在先的、居先的、在前的 n. the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot 小隐修院院长、副主持。 上海GRE英语单词学习词以根记:是按照英语单词词根理解、记忆一串或多个同词根英语单词的记忆法。
depreciation (depreciate, LL depretiare, often spelled depreciare in later MSS, fr. de-: down + pretium: price + -ion) n. the act or process of depreciating or the state of being depreciated, loss of value: “the rapid depreciation of currency’, “made some bitter remarks in depreciation of his enemies”, a decrease in price or value, decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use, wear and tear, a communication that belittles somebody or something 减值、降价、跌价、贬值、贬低、轻视
uncivil (un- + civil) adj. lacking civility or good manners, rude, not civilized, barbarous, savage, lacking in courtesy, ill-mannered, impolite, not conducive to civic harmony and welfare 无礼貌的、失礼的、粗鲁的、不文明的、野蛮的
civilization n. a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations), the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization, a particular society at a particular time and place, the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste 文明、文明阶段、文明世界、开化、教化、教养、修养、现活的舒适环境 英语单词有什么记忆方法?
primacy (ME primacie, fr. MF, fr. ML primatia, fr. L primat-, primas: one of the first, leader + -ia: -y) n. the state of being first in importance (天主教)教皇的职责、地位、权力
primal (ML primalis, fr. L primus: first + -alis -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, of / relating to the first period or state, original, primitive, aboriginal, primaeval, primeval, primordial; cardinal, central, fundamental, principal 初的、原始的、主要的、首要的、根本的 四六级英语单词的学习方法。四川成人英语单词辅导
primogenital (LL primogenitalis, fr. primogenitus: state of being firstborn, fr. L, firstborn, fr. primus: first + genitus, pp of gignere: to beget + L -alis: -al) n. primogenitary 长嗣继承的
Ø primogenitor (LL, fr. L primus: first + genitor: begetter, fr. genitus, pp of gignere: to beget) n. first ancestor, broadly ancestor, forefather 始祖、祖先
primogenitary (LL primogenitus: state of being firstborn, fr. L, firstborn, fr. primus: first + genitus, pp of gignere: to beget) n. of / relating to / based on primogeniture 长嗣继承的: primogenitary rules, primogenitary succession 陕西英语单词教材
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