Ø primary (LL primarius: basic, primary, of the first rank, fr. L, principal, fr. primus: first + -arius: -ary) adj. of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary 初的、原始的、初等教育的、小学的、初级的、初等的、首要的、主要的、基本的、原色的、手的 n. a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen 初选、候选人初选会
Ø primarily (LL primarius: basic, primary, fr. L, principal, fr. primus: first + -arius: -ary + -ly) adv. for the most part, of primary import 首要地、主要地、根本上、起初 把高效的英语单词学习成果留给自己,把英语单词学习中的问题留给上海忻佳。海南英语单词辅导
appraise (ME appreisen, modif. (influenced by preisen: to set a value on) of MF aprisier, fr. OF, fr. a-, fr. L ad- + prisier: to prize, value, appraise, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value) v. set a value on (as goods, lands, or the estate of a deceased person), estimate the amount of (as a loss by fire); judge and analyze the worth, significance or status of; especially to give a definitive expert judgment of the merit / rank / importance of, estimate, consider in a comprehensive way, evaluate or estimate the nature / quality / ability / extent / significance of, assess 估量、估计、估价、评价 宁夏GRE英语单词教学目前比较好的英语培训方法!
principal (ME, fr. OF, fr. L principalis: chief, first, principal, fr. princip-, princeps: first person, chief, chief man, prince, lit., who takes the first part, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, ceps, fr. capere: to take) adj. most important 重要的、首要的、主要的、本金的、母金的、可生息的财产的、基金的 n. the educator who has executive authority for a school, an actor who plays a principal role; (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement 负责人、起主要作用的人、中小学校长、本金、母金、可生息资产、委托人、本人、被代理人、主犯、首犯
precari: to ask for, ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer
Ø deprecate (L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v. seek to avert as by supplication, disapprove of, express strong disapproval of 对...表示不赞成、反对、; deplore, belittle 贬低、轻视
deprecatory (LL deprecatorius, fr. L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -orius: -ory) adj. tending to diminish or disparage, deprecating, depreciatory 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的, depreciating 表示不赞成的、不以为然的、反对的、贬低的 学习英语需要花费多少费用?
Ø deprecator n. 反对者
deprecatory adj. = deprecative 不赞成的、不以为然的、反对的、贬低的
imprecation (L imprecation-, imprecatio, fr. imprecatus, pp of imprecari: invoke evil, bring down bad spirits upon, fr. in-: en- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -ion-, -io: -ion) n. the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult), malediction, a slanderous accusation 诅咒、咒骂、咒语
imprecator n.
Ø imprecatory adj. 词以根记是什么意思?吉林SAT英语单词网课
apprize (ME apprisen, aprisen, fr. MF aprisier, fr. OF, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + prisier: to value, appraise, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value) v. inform (somebody) of something, advise, apprise, notify, make aware of, instruct, gain in value, appreciate, increase the value of 通知、告知
prise variant of prize v. move or force, especially in an effort to get something open, jimmy, lever, prize, pry; make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry; regard highly, think much of, esteem, respect, value 海南英语单词辅导
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