
时间:2023年03月18日 来源:


precari: to ask for, ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer

Ø deprecate (L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v.  seek to avert as by supplication, disapprove of, express strong disapproval of 对...表示不赞成、反对、; deplore, belittle 贬低、轻视 

deprecatory (LL deprecatorius, fr. L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -orius: -ory) adj. tending to diminish or disparage, deprecating, depreciatory 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的, depreciating 表示不赞成的、不以为然的、反对的、贬低的 怎么整理英语单词的词库?宁夏GRE英语单词辅导


appreciative (F appréciation, fr. MF apreciation, prob. fr. aprecier: to appraise + -ation; LL appretiation-, appretiatio: valuation, fr. appretiatus, pp of appretiare: to appraise, put a price on, value, esteem, fr. L ad- + pretium: price, value + -ive) adj. having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion, feeling or expressive of gratitude, grateful, thankful 有欣赏力的、能确认价值的、赞赏的、感激的

accelerated depreciation n. depreciation of assets at a higher rate than that normally assigned to cover use and exhaustion 加速折旧 湖南GRE英语单词培训掌握了词根、词缀,就能很容易地突破记忆单词的难关,轻松应对各种外语考试。


uncivil (un- + civil) adj. lacking civility or good manners, rude, not civilized, barbarous, savage, lacking in courtesy, ill-mannered, impolite, not conducive to civic harmony and welfare 无礼貌的、失礼的、粗鲁的、不文明的、野蛮的

civilization n. a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations), the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization, a particular society at a particular time and place, the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste 文明、文明阶段、文明世界、开化、教化、教养、修养、现活的舒适环境


procacious (L procac-, procax: impudent, fr. procare: to ask, demand, fr. procus: suitor + E -ious; akin to L precari: to pray, entreat) adj. impudent 勇敢的、大胆的、冒失的、鲁莽的 ## precocious precarious pernicious capricious prodigious precious predacious predaceous perspicacious pugnacious propitious

deprecating (L deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -ing) adj. tending to diminish or disparage, belittling, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciative, depreciatory, slighting 不赞成的、不以为然的、反对的、贬低的 四六级英语单词的学习方法。


imprecate (L imprecationem: an invoking of evil, imprecatus, pp of imprecari: to invoke, call down upon, fr. in-: en- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v.  invoke evil upon, curse, wish harm upon, utter imprecations, utter obscenities or profanities 祈求降祸huò/灾难等于、诅咒、诅咒某人逢凶 

precarious (L precarius: obtained by entreaty / prayer, obtained by mere favor, doubtful, uncertain, fr. L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) adj. dependent upon uncertain premises, dubious, dependent on chance circumstances / unknown conditions / uncertain developments, uncertain, not secure; beset with difficulties, affording no ease or reassurance, fraught with danger, 

Ødangerous不牢靠的、危险的、不稳的、碰机会的、说不定的、靠不住的4个上述常考词汇以及以下11个衍生词汇(非完全统计)。 单词的学习方法有哪些?吉林专八英语单词课程



appraise (ME appreisen, modif. (influenced by preisen: to set a value on) of MF aprisier, fr. OF, fr. a-, fr. L ad- + prisier: to prize, value, appraise, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value) v. set a value on (as goods, lands, or the estate of a deceased person), estimate the amount of (as a loss by fire); judge and analyze the worth, significance or status of;  especially to give a definitive expert judgment of the merit / rank / importance of, estimate, consider in a comprehensive way, evaluate or estimate the nature / quality / ability / extent / significance of, assess 估量、估计、估价、评价 宁夏GRE英语单词辅导


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