
时间:2023年03月22日 来源:


deprecation (MF, prayer, fr. L deprecation-, deprecatio: prayer, act of averting by prayer, fr. deprecatus, pp of deprecari: to avert by prayer, intercede for, pray away, ward off by entreaty, plead in excuse, fr. de- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer + -ion-, -io: -ion) n. the act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself), a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster 不赞成、反对、不认可,贬低、轻视。 “词以根记”,词以串记,在理解的基础上记忆。内蒙古托福英语单词


civil (ME, fr. MF, fr. L civilis: relating to a citizen, courteous, fr. civis: citizen) adj. of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state, applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military, not rude, marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others, (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life 公民的、的/国家的/社会的、国内的、公民间的、国民间的、非的、平民的、非宗教的、世俗的、文明的、有教养的、彬彬有礼的、民事的、民用的、民法的 河南专八英语单词培训怎么整理英语单词词库?


depreciate (LL depretiare, often spelled depreciare in later MSS, fr. de-: down + pretium: price) v. lessen in price / estimated value, lower the worth of; undervalue, devaluate, belittle, disparage, decry 降低...的价格、价值、使货币贬值、贬低、轻视

precious (ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. of high worth or cost, held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature, showing fond affection for, obviously contrived to charm 贵重的、珍贵的、宝贵的 受到珍爱的、心爱的 过分讲究的 adv. extremely, very 极其、非常


cittadella:littlecity,护城城堡、堡垒、要塞 词以根记:是按照英语单词词根理解、记忆一串或多个同词根英语单词的记忆法。


primipara (NL, individual having only one child, fr. L, individual bearing for the first time, fr. primi-, fr. primus: first + -para, fem. of -parus: -parous) n. (pl. primiparas / primiparae)an individual that has borne only one offspring, an individual bearing a first offspring 初产妇

Ø rimiparity n. 初产   

primavera (ASp, lit., spring, fr. Sp., spring, fr. LL prima vera, fr. fem. of L primum ver: early spring, fr. primus: first + ver: spring; fr. its early flowering) n. a Central American timber tree (Cybistax donnellsmithii) with brilliant yellow flowers, the hard light wood of the primavera —  called also white mahogany  白桃花心木 上海忻佳文化传播有限公司是一家专门从事英语单词研究的公司。云南英语单词教材



principal (ME, fr. OF, fr. L principalis: chief, first, principal, fr. princip-, princeps: first person, chief, chief man, prince, lit., who takes the first part, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, ceps, fr. capere: to take) adj. most important 重要的、首要的、主要的、本金的、母金的、可生息的财产的、基金的 n. the educator who has executive authority for a school, an actor who plays a principal role; (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement 负责人、起主要作用的人、中小学校长、本金、母金、可生息资产、委托人、本人、被代理人、主犯、首犯 内蒙古托福英语单词


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