pray (ME preyen, prayen, fr. OF preier: to pray, fr. L precari: to ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer; akin to OE gefrǣge: hearsay, report, fricgan, frignan, frīnan: to ask, inquire, OHG frāga: question, frāgēn: to ask, ON frētt: question, fregna: to inquire, find out, Gothic fraihman: to find out by inquiry, Tocharian A prak-: to ask, Skt prās: interrogation, prcchati: he asks) v.
address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship, say a prayer, call upon in supplication, entreat, beg, implore, entreat, implore, make supplication to (a god), ask (someone) to do something usually humbly or as an inferior to a superior, crave, often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea, compare please, ask earnestly for (something), supplicate for, beg, accomplish, put, or bring, by praying, overcome (someone) by prayer, used with down or out; make request with earnestness or zeal especially for something desired, make entreaty or supplication, offer prayer to a divine being, address a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving 做祷告、祈祷、祈望、祈求、念祷文 怎么学习GRE英语单词?江苏GRE英语单词记忆法
appreciation (F appréciation, fr. MF apreciation, prob. fr. aprecier: to appraise + -ation; LL appretiation-, appretiatio: valuation, fr. appretiatus, pp of appretiare: to appraise, put a price on, value, esteem, fr. L ad- + pretium: price, value + L -ion-, -io: -ion) n. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something, grasp, hold, apprehension, discernment, delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); an expression of gratitude, a favorable judgment; an increase in price or value 感谢、感激、重视、赏识、欣赏、鉴赏、估价、评价、鉴别 黑龙江专四英语单词记忆法单词怎么更好的学习?
primordium (L primordium: beginning, origin, fr. neut. of primordius: original, fr. primus: first + ordiri: to begin, begin to web)n. an organ in its earliest stage of development; the foundation for subsequent development, anlage 初阶段、【生】原基
prince (ME, fr. OF, fr. L princip-, princeps: first man / person, chief, prince, ruler, lit., one who takes the first part, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, -ceps, fr. capere: to take) n. a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign) 王子、亲王、王孙
praise (ME preisen, praisen, fr. MF preisier: to prize, value, praise, fr. LL pretiare (often spelled preciare in later MSS): to value, prize, fr. L pretium: price, value; n., ME preyse, fr. preisen, praisen, v.) n. an expression of approval and commendation, extolment, kudos, congrarulations, offering words of homage as an act of worship 赞扬、称赞、赞美、崇拜 v. express approval of 赞扬、表扬、颂扬
Ø重新估价、重新评价reappraisal n. a new appraisal or evaluation,reassessment,revaluation,review重新估价、重新评价 单词的学习方法是有哪些?
Ø prima (It, fem of primo, fr. L primus: first) adj. indicating the most important performer or role, first, leading, starring, stellar, major 的、首要的 n. the first word of the next galley proof or page of copy marked on the corresponding page or galley; the word at which reading is to be resumed after an interruption, compare markoff GMAT英语单词记忆的方法。海南大学英语单词
primavera (ASp, lit., spring, fr. Sp., spring, fr. LL prima vera, fr. fem. of L primum ver: early spring, fr. primus: first + ver: spring; fr. its early flowering) n. a Central American timber tree (Cybistax donnellsmithii) with brilliant yellow flowers, the hard light wood of the primavera — called also white mahogany 白桃花心木
Ø primigravida (NL, fr. primi-, fr. L, fr. primus: first + L gravida: pregnant woman) n. (pl. primigravidas / primigravidae) an individual pregnant for the first time 初孕妇 江苏GRE英语单词记忆法
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