primate (ME primat, fr. OF, fr. ML primat-, primas: archbishop, fr. LL, archbishop, head, leader, fr. L, one of the first, leader, fr. primus: first) n. any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet, a senior clergyman and dignitary, archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate 首席主教、灵长目动物
primer n. an introductory textbook 识字课本、初级读本、入门书、初学者读本; any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant, fuse 起动注油器; the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface, primer coat, priming coat 底层涂料、底漆 单词怎么去更好的学习?新疆英语单词培训
primogenital (LL primogenitalis, fr. primogenitus: state of being firstborn, fr. L, firstborn, fr. primus: first + genitus, pp of gignere: to beget + L -alis: -al) n. primogenitary 长嗣继承的
Ø primogenitor (LL, fr. L primus: first + genitor: begetter, fr. genitus, pp of gignere: to beget) n. first ancestor, broadly ancestor, forefather 始祖、祖先
primogenitary (LL primogenitus: state of being firstborn, fr. L, firstborn, fr. primus: first + genitus, pp of gignere: to beget) n. of / relating to / based on primogeniture 长嗣继承的: primogenitary rules, primogenitary succession 宁夏英语单词培训机构怎么整理英语单词的词库?
Ø semiprecious (semi- + precious, ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones, (of a gemstone) of less commercial value than those called precious: “such semiprecious stones as the amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline”, specifically less than 8 in hardness (宝石)次贵重的、半宝石的
praiseworthy adj. worthy of high praise, applaudable, commendable, laudable, worthy 值得赞扬的、可嘉的
primitive (ME primitif, fr. L primitivus, fr. primitiae: first things, first fruits, fr. primitus: firstly, originally, fr. primus: first + -itus, adverb suffix + -ivus: -ive) adj. little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type, used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies 上古的、原始的、原生的
Ø primordial (ME, fr. LL primordialis: original, fr. L primordium: beginning, origin, fr. neut. of primordius: original, fr. primus: first + ordiri: to begin, begin to web + -alis: -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, aboriginal, existing at or from the beginning, first created or developed, earliest, primeval, primitive, crude, undeveloped, elementary, fundamental, primary 原始的、早存在的、原生的 公司为边远地区以及贫寒子弟等提供学习机会,每一百名学员提供两个培训名额。
appraise (ME appreisen, modif. (influenced by preisen: to set a value on) of MF aprisier, fr. OF, fr. a-, fr. L ad- + prisier: to prize, value, appraise, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value) v. set a value on (as goods, lands, or the estate of a deceased person), estimate the amount of (as a loss by fire); judge and analyze the worth, significance or status of; especially to give a definitive expert judgment of the merit / rank / importance of, estimate, consider in a comprehensive way, evaluate or estimate the nature / quality / ability / extent / significance of, assess 估量、估计、估价、评价 GMAT英语单词记忆的方法。福建雅思英语单词记忆法
pray (ME preyen, prayen, fr. OF preier: to pray, fr. L precari: to ask earnestly, beg, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer; akin to OE gefrǣge: hearsay, report, fricgan, frignan, frīnan: to ask, inquire, OHG frāga: question, frāgēn: to ask, ON frētt: question, fregna: to inquire, find out, Gothic fraihman: to find out by inquiry, Tocharian A prak-: to ask, Skt prās: interrogation, prcchati: he asks) v.
address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship, say a prayer, call upon in supplication, entreat, beg, implore, entreat, implore, make supplication to (a god), ask (someone) to do something usually humbly or as an inferior to a superior, crave, often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea, compare please, ask earnestly for (something), supplicate for, beg, accomplish, put, or bring, by praying, overcome (someone) by prayer, used with down or out; make request with earnestness or zeal especially for something desired, make entreaty or supplication, offer prayer to a divine being, address a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving 做祷告、祈祷、祈望、祈求、念祷文 新疆英语单词培训
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