湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax

时间:2024年02月22日 来源:

型号 SP-6G


Yellow Beeswax, NF

SP-6P is one of our flagship yellow beeswaxes and suitable for food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries along with hundreds of applications.

INCI: Cera Flava (Beeswax)
CAS #: 8012-89-3
EINECS #: 232-383-7
Country of origin: USA
Composition: Natural Beeswax


Strahl & Pitsch' LLC is the leading global refiner of Beeswax, producing White and Yellow Grades of Beeswax, certified to the current USP/NF Monograph, Food Chemicals Codex, and other compendium.


  • High binding strength

  • Pronounced plasticity

  • Excellent emulsifiability

  • Emollient base

  • Gelling agent

  • Viscosity modifier

  • Plasticizer

  • Improves structure, oil retention, and pay-off for stick applications

Forms Available:

  • Granules

  • Slabs

  • Cakes

Beeswax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients. 美国史东毕斯公司, 石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-1275, NF。湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax

湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax,蜡

    巴西棕榈蜡乳液ADZB3RZ6005巴西棕榈蜡乳液是采用新型的乳化技术以巴西棕榈蜡为主要原料生产的技术含量高的产品,其***用于制造皮革涂饰剂、水性油墨、水性油漆、水性涂料、上光剂(自亮型皮鞋油、皮夹克油、汽车蜡、地板蜡、家俱上光蜡)、水果保鲜、及塑料和橡胶润滑剂等领域。一、巴西棕榈蜡乳液产品性能:1、有效成份:30%;2、PH值:7-9;3、直径:<;4、储存稳定性:>6个月;5、外观:棕褐色均质透明乳液,表面无结孔,底无沉淀;6、分散性:任意比例水稀释不分层、不破乳;二、巴西棕榈蜡乳液应用范围:1、水性涂料:耐水、耐粘污、抗划伤、耐磨、增硬、爽滑手感、高温防粘连、丰满度;2、水性油墨:防水、增滑、耐磨、防粘连;3、水性木器漆:耐水、高温防粘、抗划伤、开口性、手感剂;4、水性上光油:防水、增滑、防粘连、耐磨、抗擦伤;5、皮革涂饰剂:高增光、防水、蜡乳、手感剂;6、汽车蜡水:高增光,防水、抗高温、抗污;7、地板蜡:增光、增硬、防水、抗划伤、耐磨;8、皮革、家具、陶瓷护理:上光、养护、防尘、手感。三、巴西棕榈蜡乳液使用方法:本品建议根据不同产品体系以,即可呈现较好的光泽度及手感。此说明所述产品性能及应用方法*供参考。天津史东毕斯白蜂蜡SP424GNF美国史东毕斯公司, 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-173P,NF.

湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax,蜡

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-1275P, NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 石蜡Paraffin Wax, SP-173P, NF

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-173, NF

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-1275, NF

上海临辰医药科技有限公司 代理销售药用蜡:药用巴西棕榈蜡,药用白蜂蜡,药用黄蜂蜡,药用小烛树蜡,药用微晶蜡,药用石蜡,欢迎石蜡来电来信咨询沟通。

INCI: Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax

CAS #: 8015-86-9

EINECS #: 232-399-4

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Carnauba Wax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Identification by IR Current NF Monograph Compares to USP RS
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 80 - 86 °C
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 2 - 7
Saponification Value Current NF Monograph 78 - 95
Residue on Ignition Current NF Monograph NMT 0.25 %
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph Complies
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-1275,NF.

湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax,蜡

NCI: Cera Flava (Beeswax)

CAS #: 8012-89-3

EINECS #: 232-383-7

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Beeswax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 62 - 65 °C
Saponification Cloud Test Current NF Monograph NMT 65 °C
Fats or fatty acids, Japan wax, rosin, and soap Current NF Monograph Passes Test
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 17 - 24
Ester Value Current NF Monograph 72 - 79
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph None Detected
STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75.NF.海南药用级年夜戟蜡

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax, SP-19,NF.湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax

INCI: MIcrocrystalline

CAS #: 63231-60-7

EINECS #: 264-038-1

Country of origin: USA

Composition: 100%


Test Method Specification
Color Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Melting Point Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NF= 54 - 102 °C / SP-18NF= 73.9 - 79.4 °C
Consistency Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NF= 3 - 100 / SP-18NF= 55- 75
Acidity Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Alkalinity Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Residue on Ignition Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph NMT 0.1%
Residual Solvents Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph None Detected
Organic Acids Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
Fixed Oils, Fats, and Rosin Current Microcrystalline Wax NF monograph Passes Test
湖北史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax

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