
时间:2023年03月28日 来源:


prize fight n. a boxing match between professional boxers for a cash prize, prizefight  职业拳击赛

prize ring n. a square ring where boxers fight, boxing ring 拳击台

prize winner n. the winner of a lottery, lottery winner 获奖人

prizewinning n. holding first place in a contest, champion, best 获奖

prise variant of prize v. move or force, especially in an effort to get something open, jimmy, lever, prize, pry; make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry; regard highly, think much of, esteem, respect, value     掌握了词根,懂得基本的构词方法,就能容易地识记单词,突破记忆单词这一难关。吉林英语单词网课


primate (ME primat, fr. OF, fr. ML primat-, primas: archbishop, fr. LL, archbishop, head, leader, fr. L, one of the first, leader, fr. primus: first) n. any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet, a senior clergyman and dignitary, archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate 首席主教、灵长目动物

primer n. an introductory textbook 识字课本、初级读本、入门书、初学者读本; any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant, fuse 起动注油器; the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface, primer coat, priming coat 底层涂料、底漆 黑龙江常考英语单词课程“词以根记”,词以串记,在理解的基础上记忆。


imprecate (L imprecationem: an invoking of evil, imprecatus, pp of imprecari: to invoke, call down upon, fr. in-: en- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v.  invoke evil upon, curse, wish harm upon, utter imprecations, utter obscenities or profanities 祈求降祸huò/灾难等于、诅咒、诅咒某人逢凶 

precarious (L precarius: obtained by entreaty / prayer, obtained by mere favor, doubtful, uncertain, fr. L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) adj. dependent upon uncertain premises, dubious, dependent on chance circumstances / unknown conditions / uncertain developments, uncertain, not secure; beset with difficulties, affording no ease or reassurance, fraught with danger, 



pediatrician (pediatrician, fr. pediatric (paed-, fr. Gk paid-, paido-, fr. paid-, pais: child, boy + -iatric, fr. Gk iatrikos, fr. iatros: healer, physician (fr. iasthai: to heal) + -ikos -ic, -ical; perh. akin to L ira: anger) + -ian; pediatrist fr. paed- + -iatrist) adj. a specialist in the care of babies, podiatrist, a doctor who specializes in treating children ranging from newborn babies to adolescents 儿科医师、儿科学家

podiatrist (pod-, podo-, fr. Gk pous: foot, hoof, peduncle, stalk + -iatrist) n. chiropodist, a specialist in care for the feet 足病医生 怎么快速学习英语单词?


primrose (ME primerose, fr. MF, fr. OF, prob. fr. prime, fem. of prin: first, prime + rose, fr. L rosa) n.  any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads, primula 【植】报春花、欧洲樱草

Øprimula(NL,fr.ML,primrose,cowslip,【植】报春花、欧洲樱草仔细地/过分讲究地打扮 英语单词有什么记忆方法?西藏专八英语单词



primipara (NL, individual having only one child, fr. L, individual bearing for the first time, fr. primi-, fr. primus: first + -para, fem. of -parus: -parous) n. (pl. primiparas / primiparae)an individual that has borne only one offspring, an individual bearing a first offspring 初产妇

Ø rimiparity n. 初产   

primavera (ASp, lit., spring, fr. Sp., spring, fr. LL prima vera, fr. fem. of L primum ver: early spring, fr. primus: first + ver: spring; fr. its early flowering) n. a Central American timber tree (Cybistax donnellsmithii) with brilliant yellow flowers, the hard light wood of the primavera —  called also white mahogany  白桃花心木 吉林英语单词网课


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