apprize (ME apprisen, aprisen, fr. MF aprisier, fr. OF, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + prisier: to value, appraise, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value) v. inform (somebody) of something, advise, apprise, notify, make aware of, instruct, gain in value, appreciate, increase the value of 通知、告知
prise variant of prize v. move or force, especially in an effort to get something open, jimmy, lever, prize, pry; make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry; regard highly, think much of, esteem, respect, value 怎么学习托福英语单词?河南专八英语单词教学
primate (ME primat, fr. OF, fr. ML primat-, primas: archbishop, fr. LL, archbishop, head, leader, fr. L, one of the first, leader, fr. primus: first) n. any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet, a senior clergyman and dignitary, archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate 首席主教、灵长目动物
primer n. an introductory textbook 识字课本、初级读本、入门书、初学者读本; any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant, fuse 起动注油器; the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface, primer coat, priming coat 底层涂料、底漆 湖南雅思英语单词培训掌握了词根,懂得基本的构词方法,就能容易地识记单词,突破记忆单词这一难关。
semiprecious (semi- + precious, ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones, (of a gemstone) of less commercial value than those called precious: “such semiprecious stones as the amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline”, specifically less than 8 in hardness (宝石)次贵重的、半宝石的
praiseworthy adj. worthy of high praise, applaudable, commendable, laudable, worthy 值得赞扬的、可嘉的
depreciatory (LL depretiator, often spelled depreciator in later MSS, fr. depretiatus, pp of depreciare, fr. de-: down + pretium: price + L -ory) adj. tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value, depreciative, deprecative, tending to diminish or disparage, depreciating, disparaging, belittling, deprecating, deprecatory, slighting 降价的、贬值的、贬低的、轻视的
preciosity (ME preciousite, preciosite: preciousness, fr. MF precieusité, preciosité, fr. L pretiositat-, pretiositas, fr. pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -itat-, -itas: -ity) n. the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined, being fastidious or excessively refined (举止、谈吐)过分风雅、矫揉造作、贵重物品 词根是一个单词的根本部分,是根儿,是单词的重点,表示一个单词的基本意义。
primitive (ME primitif, fr. L primitivus, fr. primitiae: first things, first fruits, fr. primitus: firstly, originally, fr. primus: first + -itus, adverb suffix + -ivus: -ive) adj. little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type, used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies 上古的、原始的、原生的
Ø primordial (ME, fr. LL primordialis: original, fr. L primordium: beginning, origin, fr. neut. of primordius: original, fr. primus: first + ordiri: to begin, begin to web + -alis: -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, aboriginal, existing at or from the beginning, first created or developed, earliest, primeval, primitive, crude, undeveloped, elementary, fundamental, primary 原始的、早存在的、原生的 单词怎么更好的学习?吉林GRE英语单词
primipara (NL, individual having only one child, fr. L, individual bearing for the first time, fr. primi-, fr. primus: first + -para, fem. of -parus: -parous) n. (pl. primiparas / primiparae)an individual that has borne only one offspring, an individual bearing a first offspring 初产妇
Ø rimiparity n. 初产
primavera (ASp, lit., spring, fr. Sp., spring, fr. LL prima vera, fr. fem. of L primum ver: early spring, fr. primus: first + ver: spring; fr. its early flowering) n. a Central American timber tree (Cybistax donnellsmithii) with brilliant yellow flowers, the hard light wood of the primavera — called also white mahogany 白桃花心木 河南专八英语单词教学
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